House of the New Zodiac

Reskinning Winter's Daughter for Mausritter

After almost a decade without DMing, I recently got back into it and decided to run a game for a small group of 3 players. After agonizing a bit over which adventure to run, I decided upon OSE's Winter's Daughter, based on the high number of recommendations I saw for it. However, at the same time I also really wanted to DM Mausritter, because the idea of playing as mice in a dangerous world sounded much more interesting and evocative to me than playing as your classic adventurer archetypes. Not only that, but I also knew I'd be able to sell it more easily to my players, since one of them is a biologist, and another likes cute animals.

(I did consider running Stumpsville -- the module included in the Mausritter guide -- but Winter's Daughter is much more fleshed out, which gave me the confidence that I needed as a newbie DM. Having run both adventures now, I think that this was the best choice.)

I searched a little bit on the web about reskining Winter's Daughter for Mausritter, but I couldn't find any details, only people mentioning that they did it. So here is the conversion I used...

Creature conversion

For converting creatures, I considered that mice measure around 3.5" / 9cm, and tried to maintain a reasonable sense of scale. However, this served only as a basis, since even the Mausritter book takes some liberties (the official module "Honey in the Rafters" has bees that appear to have similar size to mice, even though they usually have around 1 or 2cm at most). So keep that in mind.

Throughout the adventure

Outside the Mound

The Burial Mound

The Fairy Prison

Unresolved issues


Did it work? It sure did! My players had a blast, and I did as well: the adventure is indeed very well-built, with a mixture of exploration and roleplaying that appeased my group. With the changes above, disbelief is rarely suspended and things flow quite well from one scene to another.

The only issue is that "being a mouse" is not at the core of this module, unlike many of the Mausritter official adventures I've read. After the adventure ended, the players were discussing and agreed that they felt that being mice did not add anything to the table, and that they could have been anything else (catfolk, dogfolk, etc) without much of an impact. And that's true! Even so, they said that they still found it fun and cute to play as mice, and that they would like if future adventures were reskinned in this same way. I don't know if I'll take them up on that offer, but there it is. Thinking about it now, I'd love to DM "The Black Argentine giant tegu of Brandonsford"... Hm...

- Vini