House of the New Zodiac

Random table: d100 Luso-adjacent names

Playing TTRPGs as a non-native English speaker is funny: you'll be playing a cool module like "Winter's Daughter" or "Black Wyrm of Brandonsford", and then suddenly out of nowhere comes a certain chap or gal with a nice five-dollar name like Sir Chyde or Wyllt or Myrddin -- names that are made to sound "old and knightly" to Anglophone ears, but to the rest of the world... perhaps ends up not ringing the same bells?

But what if we replaced these old medieval anglo-saxon names with old medieval portuguese names? That's exactly what Marcos Miotti did with Moledro, a wonderful table of d20 names for Cairn. I highly recommend checking it out!

Taking this idea a little bit further, I decided to make a d100 table, drawing from more sources than Miotti did, but also taking more liberty to change the names, making them less historical and sometimes more fantastical, without losing their lusophone sounds (hence Luso-adjacent -- some of these names did not really exist!). You can check it down below, or download it here as a PDF. Enjoy!

d100 Luso-adjacent names

d100 Feminino Masculino d100 Feminino Masculino
1 Aldara Abryl 51 Karyma Lopo
2 Aldoncia Affonso 52 Leguntia Loreto
3 Aliça Alberte 53 Lia Loys
4 Antela Aldán 54 Loçia Luteryo
5 Apelonia Anbrosyo 55 Luzardina Macyas
6 Aurembiase Anchel 56 Lyanor Malaquyas
7 Bárbola Andreu 57 Madelena Manol
8 Belascuza Ayras 58 Mari Marçal
9 Belmira Ayres 59 Marta Martyn
10 Branca Baltasar 60 Maruxa Melson
11 Briolanja Bartolomeo 61 Marya Mem
12 Britiz Bastyan 62 Mencía Monfre
13 Camilia Benet 63 Miragres Nemesyo
14 Candela Bernal 64 Myriam Nyculao
15 Carme Bernaldyn 65 Missol Nuno
16 Cateryna Beturyno 66 Monnia Osoyro
17 Catuxa Byzé 67 Nyrtal Paio
18 Comba Brais 68 Noa Petronylho
19 Cosma Brandam 69 Ochanda Prospero
20 Creçencia Caytam 70 Oneca Queixoto
21 Çynara Cibrao 71 Ortissa Quyrio
22 Cyra Cloio 72 Ostosia Reymon
23 Demiana Crysostomo 73 Otalina Roque
24 Domicussa Custodyo 74 Peironella Rosaldo
25 Dores Dimetryo 75 Polonia Sagramor
26 Dorotea Domyngo 76 Ramira Salvadaro
27 Dulcyneia Durval 77 Rosaura Satornil
28 Egilona Dyoguo 78 Sabela Saturnyno
29 Elga Ercy 79 Sizelda Severo
30 Erivra Euxeo 80 Sonifrida Sixto
31 Ermengarda Eytor 81 Talesa Tyto
32 Ermesynda Felisbino 82 Tamara Uloxyo
33 Ester Felyx 83 Tania Usebyo
34 Estrela Fuco 84 Tareixa Valentyn
35 Eulalia Galysteu 85 Tigridia Vasco
36 Eusenda Gavryel 86 Toda Velasco
37 Evelina Goldofrede 87 Umbelina Vydal
38 Eyria Golparro 88 Urraca Virysimo
39 Falcona Heronyto 89 Uxya Xabyer
40 Fradegundia Izydro 90 Velasquita Xácome
41 Francelyna Jenaro 91 Verena Xayme
42 Francisqua Jeronymo 92 Vyolante Xelasio
43 Fulyvia Lançarote 93 Xela Xenxo
44 Galynda Lazaro 94 Xema Xervasyo
45 Grete Leorygildo 95 Xertrude Xoel
46 Helvira Leuter 96 Xilda Xosé
47 Heronita Lynho 97 Yenega Zelidonyo
48 Iria Lyno 98 Ynes Zelipe
49 Iuxta Lysuarte 99 Zyanna Zenobyo
50 Jenebra Locadyo 100 Zyta Zerylo

My sources were: